Friday, March 10, 2006

Think you can't forgive that one person who hurt you really bad?


Tonight was a HUGE step for me....Let me give a brief history...

Last year there was a dispute between a leader in children's ministry (at my church) and myself. I was going to bat for an injustice against my daughter and lost the fight. I prayed and prayed and grace was given from the lady in charge. She seemed to be a very cold hearted person...

I still feel that she was wrong and, I KNOW she was. HOWEVER, God allowed my daughter...and our whole family to go through this VERY hurtful situation for a greater purpose. And it has taken almost a year for me to finally understand what that purpose was.

Forgiveness...We all get it freely from the Father...but do we freely give it?

Fast forward to tonight...

I was invited to come to a couples group from church and that lady would be there. I haven't seen her since our awful confrontation almost a year ago.

Anyway, it was VERY difficult to go...but I did...AND...there was a miraculous light bulb moment! During the praise and worship God completely cleansed me and I forgave her in my heart. I even had nice feelings towards her!

You must understand....this woman DEEPLY hurt my husband...and myself. It was a VERY difficult thing to come to terms with. I was very know the Mother hen type of anger?

I asked God to scold her. Silence. I asked God to help me. Silence. I begged God to help me forgive her. Silence. I did not give up though. And when the opportunity came to be in a room with her again...I didn't run and hide like I wanted to. I stood tall...asked for Daddy's help...and GOT THE VICTORY!!!

Are you struggling with forgiving someone? Have you asked and asked and asked? Your answer may be right under your nose...your answer may be this...

How willing are you to forgive? How willing are you to make the first move? How willing are you to be vulnerable? If you are willing, like I was...your victory is right before you...just reach out and GRAB IT!!

God Bless YOU!!

Walking in His forgiveness...and freely giving mine,

Lara ;)

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it for death or life. Proverbs 18:21

I think it's important that we really get this Scripture. Our tongue is VERY powerful. It can produce life or death...our choice.

If you are someone who spends a lot of time...

~ Bad mouthing yourself by saying things like; I'm stupid, I'm fat, I'm ugly, I'll never, I can't, What's wrong with me, I'm such a this and I'm such a that...

~ Verbally judging others....

~ Speaking negatively...

Then you will produce the fruit of death in your life. We need to speak the Truth about ourselves. We need to understand who we are in Christ.

We need to say things like...

~ I have the mind of Christ, which means I am pretty smart.

~ I was created in the image of God, which means I am GORGEOUS!

~ I can do ALL things through Christ Who strengthens me.

If we speak the Truth of what God says about us over our lives, we will produce an awesome harvest of life, and be much happier, filled with peace, and able to go the distance.

Start thinking BEFORE you speak. Change your mind and speak the Truth...even if you don't believe it with your "mind" right away. After speaking Life for a while, you will not only begin to believe the Truth, you will KNOW the Truth, and the Truth WILL set you free!

This wasn't my brilliant's in the WORD, and the God does NOT lie! Trust God...believe what God says about you in His Word...know who you are...and SPEAK IT OUT LOUD!

Let's Pray,

Daddy God, thank You for giving me the opportunity to change my life for the better simply by putting the principals of Your Mighty Word into daily practice. Please help me to remember Your Truth and to speak it out every day. I am Your precious baby girl and I want to WALK in the knowledge of that. Thank You! In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

In His Love and Service,
Lara ;)
