Monday, June 26, 2006

And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing that good work and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you. Philippians 1:6

We must remember this Scripture when we are going through difficult times, feeling down, and when we fail. We are a work in progress. God is not finished yet. He is perfecting and preparing us. And He is FAITHFUL. He will complete His work in us.

When things go wrong or when we fail, the enemy just loves to come around and whisper negative things into our ears..."you'll never get this right...what's wrong with're not good're're ugly...God doesn't really love you...God's mad at you...when will you ever get it're're'll'll always..."

THE devil IS A LIAR!!!

The WORD says that You are a child of The Most High, and that He that has begun a good work in you...WILL complete it...

The Word of God says that you are the head and not the tail...(Deut 28:13)

The Word of God says that you are above and not beneath...(Deut 28:13)

The Word of God says that He knew you and formed you in your Mother's womb...(Isa 49:1; Jer 1:5; Gal 1:15)

The Word of God says that GOD LOVES YOU...(John 3:16, and MANY more!)

The Word of God says that no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgement you shall show to be wrong...(Isa 54:17)

The Word of God says that the devil is a LIAR! And the father of lies...(John 8:44)

Who are you going to believe?

Let's Pray,

Daddy God, THANK YOU! You are an Awesome and Mighty God. You are Worthy of ALL the glory, honor, and praise! Thank You for loving me and calling me Your very Own. Thank You for Your life giving Word. Help me to remember Who and Who's I am. Help me to overcome the enemy and his lies with Your Mighty Word. Thank You that You will complete Your Work in me and that I am a work in progress. Thank You for Your love! In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!

In His Love and Service,
Lara ;)

P.S. - Do a further study....Look in the concordance in the back of your Bible to not only find the references of what the Word says about you (from above), but find MORE! Get the Word IN You...then you will have the ammo to blow the enemy away when he comes whispering lies in your ears!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts...Hebrews 11:4a (KJV)

I would like to start by looking at two words in their original Greek meanings...

Excellent - pleion (pli'-on): Figuratively of worth, importance, dignity, meaning more, greater, higher, to abound.

Testifying - martureo (mar-too-reh'-o): Emphatically, to testify strongly, bear honorable testimony, to be well testified about, to have good witness.

It wasn't so much "what" they gave that made one better than the other. It was how they gave. Abel gave the first born of his sheep. That was a HUGE step of faith. Cain gave with the wrong heart and motive. He gave without faith. God was more pleased with Abel's offering because of the FAITH behind it. He even went so far as to testify about it.

Can you imagine GOD speaking well about you? Can you imagine the King of Kings Himself bearing good witness about YOUR offering? Well, you don't have to imagine, if you give by faith with a pure heart and motive.

We can give and give and give without ever pleasing God. Giving in and of itself is fine. However, when we give by FAITH, then we are going to a whole new level. Please don't misunderstand me, you cannot just give to get. It's not only a matter of faith, it's a matter of the HEART. Faith is what will sow the seed properly. The right heart is what will help it to reap a good harvest.

I encourage you to pray about how you can give a "faith offering." Do not limit yourself to "materialistic" things. You can offer your time or talents too. The point of the exercise is to help you to DEVELOP your faith. If you never use your faith, it will never become all that God intended it to be.

Keep this in mind...Not one person was healed by Jesus while He was here that did not already BELIEVE that He could heal them.

Faith is what makes things happen!

Let's pray,

Daddy God, thank You for the gift of faith. Thank You for all that You want me to become. Help me to learn how to exercise and develop my faith. Help me to learn how to give faith offerings unto You. I know that You are my Abba Father. I know that You will provide ALL of my needs, because by faith, I believe what your Word says. And by faith, I know that You love me and want ONLY the best for me. Thank You, Daddy God. I love You. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

In His Love and Service,
Lara ;)

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Repay no one evil for evil, but take thought for what is honest, and proper and noble, aiming to be above reproach in the sight of everyone. Romans 12:17

Unfortunately, this is the opposite of what we see in this world. We live in a world where real love does not exist. It's all about self.

Real love is self-LESS.

Let me give a practical example of this Scripture in action:

You are having one of those days with your know...the kind of day where one wrong word and there could be a fight. We have ALL had them I am sure...

Well, let's say that you're the one that triggers the bomb, and your husband explodes. He says something without thinking, and hurts your feelings.
You have two could bite back (NOT recommended!)...or you could really create a shock wave and apologize for whatever triggered the response. EVEN if it really wasn't "apology worthy." EEEK! LOL!

The point is to show character and replace the wrong (no matter who did the wrong) with LOVE.

This is NO EASY task.

Honestly, there are days my flesh would love to get in a ring with my husband for just five minutes. However, I know that the only thing that will produce is more rotten fruit and more fighting.

On the flip side, when I extend UNDESERVED grace, love, and mercy towards him, it almost always cools the fire. Doesn't God show us this same UNDESERVED grace, love, and mercy EVERY day?

When we let our flesh die, and submit to God's ways, it WILL ALWAYS turn out better. Even when we do not see an immediate manifestation of our obedience, it IS working!!

So, the next time your husband, friend, or beloved child sends you...Do what will put a smile on your Daddy's Face...LOVE 'EM!

Let's Pray,

Daddy God, thank You for Your UNDESERVED Grace, Love, and Mercy. Thank You for always looking past my imperfections and focusing on the positive. Help me to show that same character towards others. Help me to NEVER repay a wrong. Help me to always take the high road even when I may be right. Help me to lear to not need to be right. Thank YOU!!! In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

In His Love and Mercy,
Lara ;)
