Wednesday, November 01, 2006


And the rich person ought to glory in being humbled by being shown in his human frailty, because like the flower of the grass he will pass away.

For the sun comes up with a scorching heat and parches the grass; its flower falls off and its beauty fades away. Even so will the rich man wither and die in the midst of his pursuits. James 1:10-11

Last time, we talked about lack and finding things to be thankful for. Today, we talk about when we have plenty.

These two verses can almost appear to scorn the rich. However, two things stand out to me.

The first thing is verse 10. This verse is explaining that being rich may give you many material possessions, but it cannot protect you from the trials of life. When you are rich you are still human with human problems and circumstances. Remembering that will humble you. Lest you get "puffed" up.

The second thing that stands out for me is in the next verse. Even so, will the rich man wither and die in the midst of his pursuits. This is an extremely powerful statement. The pursuit of riches can be a very dangerous one. We can get so caught up in having material things and luxuries that we forget what is really important.

This verse clearly says that the person who spends all of their time pursing the riches of this world, will die in the midst of it. Our purpose is to fulfill God's purpose, not what our own. Money will NEVER make you happy. The treasure you earn that is waiting in Heaven is what our focus should be on. That is eternal treasure where neither moths nor thieves can take it from us. When we put all of our time and effort making wealth in this world we are fools. This is only a grain of sand in eternity.

Am I saying wanting wealth is wrong? NO WAY! I want to be wealthy and have requested it from God. However, my life does not revolve around pursuing it. It revolves around God and His will for my life. If HE makes me wealthy...YIPPEE!! If not, YIPPEE! Either way, I know that He knows better than I.

Another thing to remember, if God has blessed us with wealth, it is NOT only for us to enjoy and give scraps here and there. It is meant to further His Kingdom, help others when we see a need, give MUCH, and then think about ourselves.

When we spend it all on ourselves, and only give a small portion of what's left over, then we are being poor stewards. We will grieve the Holy Spirit when we are selfish. That is something that I never want to do.

Let's Pray,

Daddy God, help me to see the "big" picture. Help me to let go of the pursuit of earthly riches and grab hold of my eternal treasures. Help me to understand what that is. I want to please You, and live my life in Your will, not my own. I trust you, Daddy. I know that You will never do anything or give anything to me that would harm me. I also know that You would not keep anything good from me unless it was not good for me. I release all of my desires to You. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

In His Love and Service,
Lara ;)
