Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Healthy Communication

Communication is something every human being must do. This mini devotional will focus on healthy communication in our relationships. Issues, offences, and hurts come up, and we need to be able to communicate our feelings in a healthy non damaging way. If we bottle everything up we are basically a ticking time bomb. And, in prime position for the enemy to work his snake like tactics.

When an issue comes up, or you are hurt, offended, or have any sort of negativity, the FIRST thing we must do is wait and pray. By doing this, we allow ourselves time to pray about the issue. We allow God time to work in US. We allow ourselves to have time to think about HOW we should share our feelings in a healthy and GOD pleasing way. It also allows us the opportunity to see how we may be overreacting...or where YOU may have to apologize...if that is the case.

THEN, you MUST go to the person and express what you are feeling...in love. This is a VERY important and Biblical. (ref. Mat. 18: 15-16, Eph. 4:15)

Healthy Communication Tips:

- PRAY! Preferably WITH the person you are having conflict with
- Share your feelings in love without accusing or character assassination
- Listen with your whole body
- Be respectful, no matter what
- No name calling
- No "you this and you that" type of words. Instead; "I feel this, and I that."
- Stay on topic
- Take a break if it gets heated
- Shelf the subject entirely for a bit if you need to
- Ask a pastor, friend, or elder to be a mediator.
- Pray some more

In closing, you CAN exercise healthy communication on a regular basis! Trust in your God, the Great I Am, and remember, the Lord is not looking for perfection. He is looking for a WILLING vessel! His Grace will do the rest.

Application Prayer:

Daddy God, thank You for the friendships, loved ones, and many people you have placed in my life. Thank you that iron many times must be used to sharpen iron. Please help me to be the woman of God that You created me to be. Please help me to put all of my trust, hopes and expectations ONLY in YOU. Help me to communicate in a healthy way to others so that Your Name is glorified. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus Mighty and Loving Name, Amen!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Communication is something my husband and I work on a lot. One of the things we learned to do in conversation is to say "What I am hearing you say is...." and repeat back what you just heard. This way you can be sure that your message is being understood. If it wasn't, it gives you a chance to explain your thought in a different way.

Luckily, my husband is very laid back and that has rubbed off on me a lot! :)

